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Capacity Building Workshop on Project Manual by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Dated: 17th December, 2024

Venue: IFQ Hotel & Resort Islamabad

United Nations Development Programme UNDP’s flagship Flood Recovery Programme (FRP) in assistance with the German Government through KfW Development Bank and in collaboration with Ministry of Planning Development and Special Initiatives organized “Capacity Building Workshop on Project Manual 2024”, on17th December 2024, in Islamabad. The FRP is a three-year project contributing to the following three major components:

Outcome 1: Enhanced Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Platform and Capacities

Outcome 2: Improved Governance Mechanisms and Capacities for Flood Recovery

Outcome 3: Recovery Support to Flood Affectees

The workshop aimed to enhance the understanding and capacity of the government officials in various areas related to project preparation, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation in the context of 4RF framework. The workshop had expert sessions on public sector investment planning and programming, climate sensitive framework, project identification & preparation, project appraisal and approval to advance knowledge and expertise of the provincial departments in key areas of project management.

Mr. Mohammad Shahid delivered the lectures to the participants on Development Planning; Development Plans & Projects; Feasibility Study (PC-II); Project Preparation (PC-I); Financial/ Economic/Unit Cost Analysis, Risk Analysis, and Logical Framework Analysis (LFA).


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